OpenSMOG history
- 1.2
- Added support for custom dihedral potentials
- Bug fix related to the use of periodic boundary conditions. PBC were not being applied for native contacts. Issue has been resolved.
- Bug fix related to PBC with non-rectangular boxes. Off-diagonal componenents were previously ignored.
- Bug fix when using multiple atom types in a molecule with multiplicity greater than 1 (as listed in top file under system). This issue could not occur with files directly generated with SMOG 2, but customized models could have been affected.
- Changed default integrator to LangevinMiddle
- Added wrapper to use new OpenMM 8.1 xtc writer (no need for MDtraj)
- Added the LangevinMiddleTruncated integrator
- Added checks for repeated names in OpenSMOG xml files
- Updated default file names
- Integrated support for minimization reporters (energy and coordinates)
- 1.1.1
- Simplified handling of energy minimization steps
- Introduced modifications to ensure compatibility with OpenMM 7.7.0
- Introduced changes to reporters to ensure consistent units
- Introduced changes to splash message
- Improved accessibility of help option
- Allow static cutoffs to be defined by SMOG 2 XML files
- Added support for additional integrators
- Added more error messaging to catch common user mistakes
- Integrated OpenSMOG-check within OpenSMOG distribution
- 1.1
- Support added for custom nonbonded parameters and potentials
- Support added for use of global constants
- Improved support for various trajectory file formats
- Added wrapper for energy minimization
- 1.0.4
- Minor compatibility issues resolved
- 1.0
- Initial release. Support included for custom potentials for contact interactions.
This resource is provided by the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics.
Please direct questions and comments to
Page created and maintained by Jeff Noel and Paul Whitford